In a blink, Ahmad Aydan Syaza is turning 7 month in 3 days. Cepatnya anak ibu membesar,depan mata 24 jam / 7 days non stop! Starting from 2.58 kg to 6.5 kg (he's hard to put on weight, this worries me huhu). Seeing you growing to be seriously cute pre-todds, better ibu 'pen in' some of your favorites and masters:
* you discover how to crawl 2 days ago..Congrats!- on bed much faster even ibu will shriek!BAHAYA2!
* you started to jump when ayah balik kerja with 'yah..yah..ahhh'(perasan mcm sebut ayah aje)
* you turn your head speedily when ibu/ayah call
* your milk time turning into fun time, baru 2-3 minit dah senyum senyum tak nak
* you can sit in baby's chair with help of bantal (see how small you are)
* you hide you leg when stepping into walker (pandai macam nak main nyorok-nyorok kaki, lepas tu gelak sendiri)
* you can smile widely when ibu show pictures of us
* you want more time with ayah, you want to be hold by him, even sleep hugging ayah
* you very 'gelojoh' when you see ibu preparing for food
* you can fall back asleep without any help from boobie
* you will 'tepuk' bahu ibu when you want milk (lovely signal, ibu like it!)
* you will pull your ears & bite your fingers when we pay no attention to
* you also want to eat while we eat
* you open your mouth so big every time handphone is ringing* you like to 'tepuk' meja noisily to draw others attention (kes dine out)
* you love it when ibu kiss your mouth
* you like to eat veges, be it brocolli, carrot, spinach....listing goes on and on
* you like to pinch ayah on the neck, ibu on the boobie(sakit tau anak!)
* you sometimes gaze at ibu for few second without blinking (what are you thinking ibu would like to know)
* you know how to be cheeky when ibu's temper flying up!* you don't like your 'hingus' to be wipe off, u love it flowing freely into your mouth(eeisshhhh!!gulp!!)
Jadi.. anak,membesarlah dengan penuh kasih sayang kerana 7 tahun pertama adalah masa untuk kita bergurau. 7 tahun seterusnya adalah masa untuk ibu mengajar erti kehidupan dan 7 tahun seterusnya selepas itu terpulang padamu atas didikan ibu dan ayah. Semoga menjadi anak yang soleh, pembimbing, penyabar,berilmu, beramal,murah rezeki dan bertanggungjawab. Ceriakanlah hidup kami permata hati sayang ayahibu. With your presence, our life is becoming half complete!(half lagi kena paham sendiri)
Bila besar, dah pandai baca boleh baca blog ibu. tapi jangan la marah ibu cerita pasal you!
You still macho even ingus meleleh ;p
and hari ini dalam sejarah, aydan jatuh katil..alalalala anak ayahibu ni kesian.ayah kata anak laki strong! err, jangan tanya macammana dia bleh jatuh!
blubery cheese
12 years ago
awwww... so sweet...
comei ar aydan!! mmg muka ko ar tapi aydan lagi comei!! ;p
kissy kiss dia utk aku ek!!
and aku salahkan mak bapak dia, aydan jatuh!! musykil aku ;p
shomelnya aydan..lama aunti sue tk jumpa..shomel sangat..gelak besar =)
dah pandai merangkak ye...peluk cium utk aydan dan ibu
isk. comel nye dandan...
babe. sorry for the hiatus. byk benda nak settlekan la.. will catch up with you soon.
huge hugs and kisses to si botak!
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